NDIS funding for continence products

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding and support to people with disabilities. The NDIS website provides general information on what the NDIS is, eligibility and information specific to each state in Australia. This article assumes the reader has a basic understanding of this information.
- Will I be eligible?
- Do I need proof of how many products I use per day?
- Do I need a quote for my annual supply?
- Can I use NDIS funding to buy Paralogic products? (YES!)
- I have an approved NDIS plan - how do I buy Paralogic products?
- What will happen to my CAPS funding?
Will I be eligible?
You will first need to undergo an eligibility assessment to determine whether you are eligible for funding, and then a planning assessment to determine your individualised funding package. These assessments will be carried out by National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) planning staff. You will then receive funding on an annual basis to purchase the services, aids and equipment that you have been assessed as needing, from the service providers of your choice.
If you are under 65 and your condition is permanent, you may be eligible. More specifically, we know that people with disabilities or conditions such as spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, MS, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy or a brain injury, will more than likely be eligible for support under the scheme.
But what if you use catheters and/or other continence products and don't have a disability such as those listed above?
We spoke to the experts at the Continence Foundation of Australia (CFA) to see if we could find out more. They have advised us that people whose primary ongoing requirement for support is incontinence only will not be eligible for funding under the NDIS.
Do I need proof of how many products I use per day?
We think it would be a good idea. We are happy to provide a 12 month statement of account to anyone who would like one. Obviously this will be of limited value to people who currently re-use catheters or who are unable to afford to buy everything they need.
We recommend that you obtain a written statement from a health professional on your condition and the type and volume of continence products required daily to manage your condition.
Do I need a quote for my annual supply?
According to the CFA, you should be allocated the funding indicated in the above table based on your usage needs.
However, if your needs exceed the amounts listed in the table above, then a quote is required. You will also need a supporting statement from a health professional.
If you are in an NDIS rollout area and you would like a quote, please get in contact. Please consider not only how much of each product you would like quoted, but how many deliveries per year you require, so we can ensure your postage costs are also covered.
Can I use NDIS funding to buy Paralogic products?
Yes. Paralogic is a registered NDIS provider. Please set up an account to start ordering today.
I have an approved NDIS plan - how do I buy Paralogic products?
The way you purchase from us will depend on how you have chosen for your funding to be managed:
1. The NDIA are managing my funds
Please set up an account or call or email us with your details. We will need to know your NDIS reference number. If you require it, we can also draw up a simple service agreement for your approval. Once set up, you will then be able to order either online, by phone or email, and we will invoice the NDIA for your purchases. We will also provide you a copy of your invoice for your records.
2. My funds are managed by a service provider
Please set up an account or call or email us with the billing details of your service provider. We will set up an account for you so you will then be able to order either online, by phone or email, and invoices will be sent to your service provider. We will also provide you a copy of your invoice for your records.
3. I am managing my own funds
Being self funded means that you can go ahead and place orders as normal, ie, online, by phone or email, and pay at the time using your credit card. You will then need to submit your invoice to the NDIA for reimbursement.
What will happen to my CAPS funding?
If you’re not eligible, or if you don’t apply for the NDIS, your CAPS funding will continue as usual. If you do receive funding under the NDIS scheme, your CAPS payments will stop. If you have received a CAPS payment and then start with the NDIS in the same year, your NDIS allocation for continence products may be reduced to account for the CAPS payment.
Some final words
The NDIS is complicated and there’s a lot to know when it comes to ensuring that people achieve the best possible outcome.
Prior to speaking with an NDIA representative, we are recommending that people get in contact with a local organisation which provides pre-planning services. These services are often offered by non-for-profits free of charge. For example, Spinal Cord Injuries Australia are offering a free NDIS pre-planning service.
If you have any questions or concerns about the NDIS and your continence needs, please get in touch.