Paralogic UTI Survey

We know that Urinary Tract Infections are a very real problem in the community - particularly for our customers. We want to gather and share the knowledge that exists around this irritating condition and its current treatments and are asking for your help.

We have put together the Paralogic UTI Survey to gather as much information as possible.  

The survey shouldn't take too long to complete and we are after as many people to answer as possible. So, whether you have regular UTIs , or you've found the perfect prevention we want to hear from you (especially if you are in that last category). Believe it or not, even if you don't regularly have a UTI, or haven't had a UTI recently we still want to hear from you.  Answers are completely anonymous and we once the survey closes, we will share all the information we gather, right here on our blog. 

This survey has now closed and we will work on collating and presenting answers as soon as possible.  

Paralogic UTI Survey - We need your help

The survey closed on Friday July 16th 2021.  

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